
Henry Jeffreys

Henry Jeffreys

Henry Jeffreys worked in the wine trade and publishing before becoming a freelance writer and broadcaster. At one point he was wine critic for The Lady, his work has also appeared in the Spectator, the Guardian, the Oldie and BBC Good Food magazine. His debut book Empire of Booze won a Fortnum & Mason award and he is celebrating another win with his most recent tome Vines in a Cold Climate.

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Breaky Bottom, the pioneering English vineyard, turns 50!

Breaky Bottom, the pioneering English vineyard, turns 50!

Henry Jeffreys

Henry Jeffreys July 15th, 2024 6 minute read


There could only be one wine to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in May 2022: Breaky Bottom. It’s not only the most distinctly English of...