Grape varieties of the Languedoc-Roussillon
Quick Guide
While some regions like Burgundy specialise in a tiny number of grape varieties, the vineyards of Languedoc-Roussillon have a whole cocktail of different...
Wine and health, moderation is key
Lifestyle & Opinion
In this article I will consider the link between wine and health. I will share some health facts about wine that devotees of the Neo-Prohibitionists...
The Strange Case of Pinot Gris Grigio
Quick Guide
From supermarket staple to serious foodie wines, Pinot Gris / Grigio has a split personality that offers endless tasting experiences.One of the things I...
Why is the price of wine changing?
Thanks to the Chancellor, the price of wine is increasing. The duty on a bottle of wine is changing from 1st February 2025. There are also new requirements...
Forget Dry January, drink better instead
Lifestyle & Opinion
Rebecca Pitcairn thinks giving up alcohol at this time of year is a mistake. Dry January feels set up for failure.
What are the top wines of 2024?
Which are the top wines of 2024, those most often purchased and enjoyed by our customers? Given our expertise in French and English wines, it’s...
Why Does Champagne Fizz?
Quick Guide
In its most prosaic, scientific form, the bubbles in Champagne are simply CO2 – Carbon Dioxide. It’s the same gas that creates bubbles in...
The best dessert wines to try this Christmas
Lifestyle & Opinion
What are the best dessert wines to try? Aside from mixing a port with lemonade on Christmas afternoon (please don’t judge me) I’m not sure...
How to pair wine for Christmas day
Quick Guide
What are the best tips to pair wine for Christmas day? Whether you’re serving turkey, roast ham, goose, or going with something completely...
6 red wines for winter you need in your glass
Lifestyle & Opinion
I don’t know about you, but now the days are shorter, and the air has taken on a cool crispness, I long for red wines for winter, something rich...